基于Web of Science数据库的竞争情报文献计量分析
  修订日期:2011-07-11  点此下载全文
引用本文:杨颖,李子政.基于Web of Science数据库的竞争情报文献计量分析[J].医学信息学杂志,2011,(10):51-54
杨颖,李子政 中国医科大学图书馆中国医科大学附属第四医院 
中文摘要:运用文献计量学方法,以Web of Science为数据来源,检索有关竞争情报的文献,并从文献量、语种、著者、机构、来源期刊、国别、学科类别、引文等方面进行统计分析,揭示1975-2010年间国际竞争情报领域的研究状况。
中文关键词:竞争情报  计量分析  Web of Science
Bibliometric Analysis on Competitive Intelligence Based on Web of Science Database
Abstract:The paper applies bibliometric method based on resources from Web of Science for competitive intelligence literature retrieval, and then carries out statistical analysis from the aspects of literatures′ amount, languages, authors, agencies, source journals, publishing countries, subject category and citation status It reveals the international research situation in competitive intelligence fields from 1975 to 2010
keywords:Competitive intelligence  Bibliometric analysis  Web of Science
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