Abstract:Purpose/Significance To investigate the effects of user emotion and information framing format on cognition and healthcare decision-making in the use of electronic health information.Method/Process A two-factor between-subjects design is implemented, where participants are invited to complete a set of cognitive and decision-making tasks regarding electronic health information in three information framing format (graph, text, and text plus graph) and under positive and negative emotions.Result/Conclusion Information framing format has a significant effect on cognition performance of electronic health information, with cognition accuracy higher for text format than for graph format. While emotion has no effects on cognition performance, it shows a significant effect on perceived usefulness. There is an interaction between emotion and information framing format on task completion time. Text plus graph format has a shorter task completion under positive emotion compared with other conditions. The results can provide references for the optimal design of electronic health information and the improvement strategy of the effect of cognitive decision-making.